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ECIPE Conference: China and ‘the West’: The Way Forward?

May 19 2015
Venue: Science 14 Atrium, Rue de la Science 14b, 1040 Brussels
Speakers: Frank Lavin, Guy de Jonquières, Gerhard Sabathil, Gudrun Wacker, Jie Yu
Time: 14:15

Can China and 'the West' find a shared strategic idea of world economics and politics?

In what political direction are China and ‘the West’ moving – are they getting closer or more distant from each other? Shifting structures of economic power in the world are increasingly manifesting themselves in global politics. China’s initiative to launch a new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank prompted just not a division between Europe and the United States, but highlights unfolding disputes about the global institutions tasked to manage economic and political affairs.

Will the power shift usher in greater friction around broader visions of the world? What are the issues that pulling China and ‘the West’ apart – and what are the issues that are pushing them closer to each other? What issues can really charge cooperation between China, the EU and the U.S. with positive energy – and give fledgling political relations a direction?

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Ambassador Frank Lavin is a former Undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade and U.S. Ambassador to Singapore. He is a China expert and entrepreneur, starting in 2010 Export Now, a e-commerce company for the Chinese market.

Guy de Jonquières, Senior Fellow at ECIPE

Dr Gerhard Sabathil is Director of North East Asia and the Pacific at the European External Action Service. He is a visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges and the Economic University in Prague.

Dr Gudrun Wacker is a Senior Fellow at the Asia division of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). She is a member of the Steering Committee of Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (CSCAP)

Dr Jie Yu is a China expert at the London School of Economics and the School’s foreign-policy think tank, LSE Ideas. As a consultant at Roland Berger, she has been involved in several business deals between European and Chinese firms.
